On the ZenDao, path to oneslef and myself
Welcome aboard to Myong Gong Sunim
On these pages you will find information derived mainly from personal experience of the practice of Zen.
I receive many letters from strangers, who somewhere had found my address. In creating this site, I hope to facilitate communication with those who are really interested in Zen practice, sharing with them my experiences. On the "Questions and Answers" you can ask any questions and my friend Barry Briggs (JDPSN) will answer it. On the "some poems" a few of my poems (which I remembered) are posted and in the"Clouds" I'm going to share some thoughts and memories
A little about myself
In 1964 I graduated from the Biology Department, Moscow State University, and after 5 years, defended PhD thesis. I worked in the Academy of scienses of the USSR, engaged in a common environment. Everything seemed to be fine, but noyhing in the life I have seen make sense - "Why all this?" "Why jerk if still all ends in death?" By the time I already had several suicide attempts and therefore experience in a mental hospital. 9 religious aunts of my wife persuaded me to think about the soul, but I replied that if I had a soul, then certainly I would first knew about it. However, in one fine summer day, I ran to the departing bus and tripped on a rock, somehow stranded on the sidewalk. Swipe your thumb on the stone when you're in sandals - very painful. WOW! All about the bus, I immediately forgot: All wrong! It is do not I who have a soul. I have a body. But if this is my body, then who am I? My body, my mind, my conciousness, but what am I? If I do not know the answer to this question, what in general can have at least some sense?
I gave up a science, worked on a variety of simple jobs, moving from one esoteric school (at the time they were all banned, but still there were some) to another in search of an answer to the Great Question. In 1991 I met Zen Master Seung San and in the same year went to visit him in South Korea for a three-month retreat. In 1994 I returned to Korea and a year later took the vows of monk obedience. In 2001, due to health problems returned to Russia and organized the Zen Center in Veliky Novgorod. In 2008, the house where the Zen Center was burned down. Now I live in Veliky Novgorod.
My nik in Skype is myonggong